This new 7-part series is an in-depth and practical exploration of the National Quality Standard’s seven Quality Areas. We explore the unique ways in which Family Day Care Educators across Australia can excel in each of these quality areas. Regardless of whether you are new to Family Day Care or an experienced Educator, this series will leave you feeling inspired and confident to achieve greatness. With a range of accomplished guest presenters and well-known industry experts, this will be an educational and eye-opening experience not to be missed!
Presented by Robyn Monro Miller AM
Robyn’s career in children’s services has spanned 35 years, encompassing senior leadership roles in local government, ECEC services, and the charity sector. She is currently CEO of Play Australia and President of IPA World and also heads up The Transformative Impact Collective, a social enterprise dedicated to working in partnership with organisations to develop their capacity to engage meaningfully with their stakeholders. Robyn played a significant leadership role in the children’s services reform in Australia between 1996 and 2018 and this leadership has been recognised with a range of national and state awards. Be prepared for a challenging and playful PD that will help you discover your own unique leadership style and explore with you the effective implementation of quality area 7.