Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

Course Code: CHC30121

Woman and child play with games on the floor of a home


Certificate III


Self-Paced Online


12 months

Credit Transfer Available

Course Fee

The course fee varies from fee free to $3260 

Please contact us for further information

Hop into the below link to see if you are eligible to receive funding.

Smart and Skilled funding may be available to you.




Course Details

This is the minimum qualification required to be eligible to work with children in an early learning service.

Research tells us that the first five years in a child’s life is the most influential where the brain is developing more rapidly than any other time in life. Learn how to support children’s growth and development with the right combination of encouragement and learning-through-play to set them up for a lifetime of confidence and a love of learning.

The Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC30121) prepares you for the role of educator in a range of early childhood settings.  You will gain knowledge and skills on how to care for and educate children 0-6 years.

This is a nationally recognised qualification for those who wish to commence a career in the early childhood sector.

Employment opportunities for those completing the course include working in:

  • Long Day Care
  • Family Day Care
  • Preschool
  • Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)
  • In Home care, or
  • As a nanny.

Once enrolled you may commence employment in the sector while studying.  If you wish to become a Family Day Care educator however, you will need to complete this qualification before you can commence.

Study this course online and at you own pace within a 12 month period.

Smart and Skilled Funding

NSW Government Smart and Skilled funding is available for eligible students to study the Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC30121) and the Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC50121) delivered by PEAK Training.

Are you:

– 15 years old or over?

– no longer at school?

– living or working in NSW?

– an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder or New Zealand citizen?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to all four questions, then you’re eligible to enrol in our government-subsidised courses.

For more information, hop into the NSW Smart and Skilled website Skills NSW – Explore Fee Free training.


Credit Transfer

PEAK Training recognises all Australian Qualifications Framework accreditations and Statements of Attainment issued by other Registered Training Organisations.

Recognition of prior learning may also be undertaken. Learners need to gather evidence of their prior learning and experience to enable PEAK Training to assess their compatibility with the current educational requirements.

Unique Student Identifier

Every student with PEAK Training will need to create a Unique Student Identifier (USI). Or if you already have one, let us know on your enrolment form.

Your USI will help keep your training records and results together in an online account controlled by you. By having a USI you will be able to access your training records and results (or transcript) whenever you need them. For example for a new employer. Your USI can be accessed online from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

To obtain your USI, please go to www.usi.gov.au and create an account.